NW Active Streets is focused on the transportation needs of Northwest Portland and the policies, plans and projects that support those needs.
NW Active Streets promotes transportation strategies that address mobility needs of all members of the community, that promote safe, equitable and convenient choices for how we get around and that advances the city and region’s climate action goals.
NW Active Streets supports the creation of public spaces that enhance the interest and vitality of the community.
Membership: Membership is open to all to support the organization’s mission. NW Active Streets strives to be inclusive. Activities are on a volunteer basis. Partnerships with other organizations will be sought to best achieve common goals.
Focus Area: NW Active Streets may take up any local or regional transportation topic but will be focused on needs and impacts of plans and policies on the Northwest quadrant of the City of Portland (north of West Burnside and west of the Willamette River). NW Active Streets may take positions on planned private development or public plans and policies.
Advocacy: Positions will be conveyed in the form of emails, letters or testimony to agency staff and elected officials, developers, or organizations. The group will seek constructive solutions that address the needs and challenges of getting around in the community.
Meetings: Meetings will be monthly or as needed by group consensus. Meetings may be in formal or informal ADA accessible settings.
No Affiliation: NW Active Streets is an independent group of transportation advocates with no affiliation. Group members may serve on civic committees.
Members: Damien Erlund, Jeanne Harrison, Sharon Kelly, Scott Kocher, Paige Miller, Danelle Peterson, Phil Selinger, Jeremiah Via, Victoria Via, and Alex Zimmermann